Regional scorecard tools


The ALMA Scorecard for Accountability and Action is being adapted for use at the regional level, as part of our ongoing work with Regional Economic Communities (regional groupings of African countries). These regional scorecard tools will be used by national ministries of health – led by the ministers of health. We are supporting the Regional Economic Communities in the implementation of these regional scorecard tools.

We have supported the following Regional Economic Communities in introducing their regional scorecards:

  • East African Community (EAC): Great Lakes Malaria Initiative scorecard
  • Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS): ECCAS malaria scorecard
  • Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS): Sahel scorecard
  • Southern African Development Community (SADC): E8 scorecard

Indicators used on regional scorecard tools

Regional scorecard tools include indicators across strategic and operational levels for malaria control and elimination. Many of the indicators will be monitor cross-border malaria issues to encourage region-wide collaboration and coordination.

Regional scorecard tools will include indicators across strategic and operational levels for malaria control and elimination. Many of the indicators will be monitor cross-border malaria issues to encourage region-wide collaboration and coordination.