National malaria youth corps introduction
National malaria youth corps compliment the continental Malaria Youth Corps.
What national malaria youth corps do
National malaria youth corps are involved in a range of areas to improve action and accountability in the fight against malaria and to improve access to universal health coverage. They help to support the:
- national malaria strategy
- programmatic action of the country’s national malaria control programme
Activities of national malaria youth corps are coordinated by the national malaria control programme and supported by the ALMA Youth Advisory Council.
National malaria youth corps:
- advise the national malaria control programme (NMCP) on how to include youth participation in advocacy for malaria and universal health coverage at the national level
- serve as ambassadors in local government and in existing youth groups to mainstream malaria and universal health coverage in their existing malaria strategic and implementation plans
- support the national malaria control programme in promoting malaria advocacy
- participate in national youth coordination forums on malaria and universal health coverage, including meetings with the national malaria control programmes on scorecard tools, malaria dialogues, End Malaria Councils and Funds
- organise and support sessions that highlight youth perspectives to end malaria and improves access to universal health coverage
- participate in national campaigns about malaria and universal health coverage
Launching national malaria youth corps
Learn about the national malaria youth corps that have launched. We are working to create more national-level malaria youth corps over the coming months.