South Sudan and Malawi unveil vibrant youth corps to tackle malaria
ALMA applauds the growing number of malaria youth champions, bolstering action in the fight against the disease.
New report highlights progress and challenges in fighting neglected tropical diseases in Francophone countries
First of its kind assessment urges Francophone nations to unite, act, and eliminate NTDs through renewed political commitment and...
Líderes africanos apelam à acção urgente para evitar o impacto catastrófico da redução do financiamento contra a malária e apontam para a necessidade de uma frente unificada, durante a 79ª AGNU
A redução do reforço financeiro do Fundo Global pode levar a mais 137,2 milhões de casos de malária e...
African leaders at the 79th UNGA urge action to avert catastrophic impact of reduced malaria funding and call for a unified front
A reduced Global Fund replenishment could lead to 137.2 million more malaria cases and 337,000 additional deaths. A disease...
ALMA and Malaria No More UK: partnering to end malaria
We are proud to announce a powerful new partnership with Malaria No More UK, in pursuit of driving global...
Ethiopia and Ghana exchange insights on community scorecard success in experience-sharing mission
Facilitating the sharing of experiences and best practices in the implementation of the community scorecard between Ethiopia and Ghana.
African leaders call for urgent inclusion of disease elimination funding in IDA21 replenishment
This call comes at a time when the African continent faces a perfect storm that threatens to disrupt essential...
Business leaders enlisted to defeat malaria in inaugural Nigeria End Malaria Council meeting
The Federal Republic of Nigeria held their inaugural national End Malaria Council on Friday, 23 August.
Namibia launches youth corps to combat malaria on World Mosquito Day
Young Namibians empowered to lead the fight against malaria in high-risk regions.
Nigeria joins list of African countries with youth corps to combat malaria and NTDs
Vibrant youth to lead Nigeria's charge against malaria and NTDs, joining Africa’s top 10 in the battle for a...